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Author: Brother Woody Brohm

Welcome to my blog! My name is Brother Woody Brohm. I’m blessed to be married, the father of two wonderful daughters, and the grandfather of five incredible grandchildren. As the son of a pastor, I’ve had the joy of knowing Christ for most of my life. Though I haven’t pursued seminary or pastoral ministry as a vocation, I’ve been privileged to teach in churches and serve as a missionary at various times. My heart’s desire is to follow Jesus Christ faithfully, and I affirm the truth of salvation by grace alone. This blog is a reflection of my passion for studying Scripture and sharing the truths I’ve discovered. May it serve to encourage and equip you as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Days of Noah and the Present Dispensation: A Parallel of Conscience and Judgment

Today’s world shares remarkable similarities with the days of Noah, a time of global connectedness and moral decline, ultimately ending in judgment. As the flood closed one dispensation, the coming tribulation will bring an end to ours, urging believers to live with readiness and faith.

Abraham’s Journey of Faith and Works: A Unified Perspective on Justification

Abraham’s journey illustrates how faith and works harmonize to reflect a life devoted to God. Paul and James emphasize different moments in Abraham’s life, but together they reveal that true faith will naturally result in obedience, proving the depth and authenticity of one’s relationship with God.

Reconciliation with God: A Doctrine of Restoration and Peace

The doctrine of reconciliation embodies the heart of the gospel, highlighting God’s love, justice, and initiative in restoring a broken relationship with humanity through Christ. As believers experience peace with God, they are also called to share this message of reconciliation, inviting others to embrace the gift of restored fellowship with their Creator.

Reversed Call and Promise: Christ’s Urgent Appeal to the Church

The letters to the seven churches in Revelation contain a powerful message, with a striking shift in the last four letters where Christ reverses the order of call and promise. This reversal, especially evident in Laodicea’s spiritual state, reflects the urgency of Christ’s appeal for believers to recognize their need for true faith and repentance before His return.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)