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Author: Brother Woody Brohm

Welcome to my blog! My name is Brother Woody Brohm. I’m blessed to be married, the father of two wonderful daughters, and the grandfather of five incredible grandchildren. As the son of a pastor, I’ve had the joy of knowing Christ for most of my life. Though I haven’t pursued seminary or pastoral ministry as a vocation, I’ve been privileged to teach in churches and serve as a missionary at various times. My heart’s desire is to follow Jesus Christ faithfully, and I affirm the truth of salvation by grace alone. This blog is a reflection of my passion for studying Scripture and sharing the truths I’ve discovered. May it serve to encourage and equip you as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Free eBooks

A free online version of my Kindle eBooks is available here to allow others to grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  These are best read on a tablet or laptop screen.  They each contain a table of contents and links to the next section as you make your way through the book.  The content in them is borrowed from the paid version of my books available on Amazon.  May the Lord bless you as you consider his great power and love.

The Last Adam, Book One of the Grace and Knowledge Series

Faith, Hope and Love, Book Two of the Grace and Knowledge Series

The Fate of Satan, Book Three of the Grace and Knowledge Series

The Ministry of the Apostle Paul (A Deep Dive)

The Apostle Paul was born to a Jewish family who possessed Roman citizenship in the City of Tarsus, the capital of the Roman province of Cilicia (modern-day Turkey) and was given the name of Saul. Some years later his family relocated to Jerusalem and he was raised as a Pharisee and studied under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel.  Words: 2640 / Time to read: 14 minutes Gamaliel was respected and convinced the members of the Sanhedrin to refrain from putting to death the disciples of Christ warning that they may be “fighting against God” (Acts 5:33-39).  His successful influence shows the respect…

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)