Joseph’s story is full of foundational knowledge for understanding the principles of the Bible.
Bible Themes and Doctrines
Welcome to my blog! My name is Brother Woody Brohm. I’m blessed to be married, the father of two wonderful daughters, and the grandfather of five incredible grandchildren. As the son of a pastor, I’ve had the joy of knowing Christ for most of my life. Though I haven’t pursued seminary or pastoral ministry as a vocation, I’ve been privileged to teach in churches and serve as a missionary at various times. My heart’s desire is to follow Jesus Christ faithfully, and I affirm the truth of salvation by grace alone. This blog is a reflection of my passion for studying Scripture and sharing the truths I’ve discovered. May it serve to encourage and equip you as we grow together in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Joseph’s story is full of foundational knowledge for understanding the principles of the Bible.
Believers of the New Testament are referred to as believer-priests. Explore the role of a priest from the past to the future.
Angels are awe-inspiring spiritual beings created to serve God and minister to His people. While they reveal God’s care and majesty, believers’ ultimate hope lies in Christ, who reigns supreme over all creation.
Ruth displayed incredible loyalty and was rewarded greatly.
The Good Samaritan is probably the most well-known and misunderstood of all the parables of Christ.
Daniel was a godly man who received some of the most incredible prophecies of all time.
The battles of the Day of the Lord are often confused. The Bible clearly describes three unique battles and predicts the results.
This earth will be destroyed and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
The Kingdom of God on earth that has been prophesied to since Old Testament times.
Satan is closely associated with the beast and the false prophet who will play a big role in the Day of the Lord.
In Revelation 12, signs in the sky prophesy to God’s story from long ago and on into the future.
The Second Coming of Christ is the first event of establishing his Millennial Kingdom (1,000 years) on earth.
The Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema) occurs in heaven following the rapture.
The Rapture is the first event of the Day of the Lord. Understand what is coming!
The two witnesses are perhaps the least understood characters of the Day of the Lord scenario.