Korah led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron. We can learn from his mistake.
Bible Themes and Doctrines
Korah led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron. We can learn from his mistake.
The way of Cain was a phrase coined by Jude and referred to Adam’s son who murdered his brother Abel.
The idea of practicing hospitality started in the Old Testament times and has become a command to us today.
Elisha has a long list of miracles that God performed through him.
Elijah called fire down from heaven in a amazing display of God’s power.
Ezekiel describes some incredible prophecies that are relevant to us still today.
Assurance is our perception of what God has done and does not affect election.
The four horsemen appear at the midway point of the tribulation period and coincide with the first four seals.
The bronze snake in Numbers 21 ended up representing Christ on the cross as told by Christ to Nicodemus in John 3.
Jethro offered advice to Moses. It was perhaps a right idea at the wrong time.
God’s law is perfect and failure to keep it will result in death.
A broad understanding of what God is doing from creation to the end of time.
Tabitha (Dorcus) enjoyed working with her hands and had a heart for the poor.