The study of biblical covenants is essential for understanding God’s redemptive plan for humanity, particularly His promises to Israel.
Bible Themes and Doctrines
The study of biblical covenants is essential for understanding God’s redemptive plan for humanity, particularly His promises to Israel.
Ezekiel’s vision of the temple, described in the final chapters of his book (Ezekiel 40-48), presents a detailed and profound picture of a future temple that has never been constructed in history. This vision is widely believed to correspond to a temple that will be built during the Millennial Kingdom, a period characterized by Christ’s thousand-year reign on earth.
The Millennial Kingdom, a future 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth, is central to dispensational premillennial eschatology and is deeply rooted in both the Old and New Testaments. Studying the scriptural foundation for this period is essential for understanding God’s redemptive plan.
In the imminent future, an ancient promise from God will come to fruition—a promise of hope, redemption, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. This is the story of “The Day of the Lord,” a narrative etched in the annals of time, a divine script unfolding with precise and prophetic accuracy. It is a story that spans millennia, from the creation of the world to the final consummation of all things.
The Day of the Lord records several judgments over a period of about 1,007 years.
The wedding supper of the Lamb will be a grand celebration of the marriage of the Lamb to the Church, the bride of Christ.
A broad understanding of what God is doing from creation to the end of time.
The Rapture is the first event of the Day of the Lord. Understand what is coming!