The Grand Canyon, one of the world’s most famous natural wonders, captures the awe and imagination of millions of visitors each year. Mainstream scientists claim that the canyon was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River, but from a New Earth creationist perspective, this breathtaking formation tells a different story—a story rooted in the catastrophic global flood described in the Bible. This perspective asserts that the Grand Canyon was formed not over eons, but rapidly during and after the flood recorded in Genesis 6-9. This view reflects a literal interpretation of Scripture, which portrays the Earth as relatively young, around 6,000–10,000 years old.
In this essay, we will explore the creation of the Grand Canyon through a New Earth Christian lens, supported by biblical passages, contrast it with the prevailing scientific viewpoint, and discuss how Christians can respond when visiting places like the Grand Canyon and encountering secular teachings.
Words: 1473 / Time to read: 8 minutes
The Biblical Account of the Global Flood
The foundation of the New Earth creationist view begins with the literal interpretation of Genesis 6-9, which recounts the global flood. According to this account, God judged the world’s wickedness by sending a flood that covered the entire Earth, sparing only Noah, his family, and the animals aboard the ark. Genesis 7:19-20 says, “They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than fifteen cubits.” This was no regional or local event—it was a global catastrophe that reshaped the earth’s surface entirely.
New Earth creationists propose that the immense sedimentary layers forming the walls of the Grand Canyon were deposited during this flood. The different strata found in the canyon, they argue, were laid down as the floodwaters rose and receded, rapidly burying plants and animals, explaining the fossils found in these layers. The rapid burial of living organisms is necessary to preserve fossils, and the flood provides the perfect conditions for such preservation.
Additionally, Genesis 7:11 provides crucial insight into the flood’s causes: “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” This verse suggests that the flood involved massive geological upheaval, as the “springs of the great deep” burst forth, possibly triggering underwater volcanic activity and tectonic shifts that would have rapidly reshaped the Earth’s surface.
The Catastrophic Formation of the Grand Canyon
New Earth creationists believe that after the floodwaters began to recede, large volumes of water remained trapped behind natural dams composed of sediment, possibly formed by the flood itself. When these dams breached, massive amounts of water flowed through the region that is now the Grand Canyon, rapidly carving out the landscape. Such catastrophic processes, creationists argue, explain the Grand Canyon’s steep walls and immense depth far better than slow erosion by the Colorado River.
As evidence, creationists point to more recent geological events. For instance, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 created a small canyon in a matter of days through volcanic mudflows, showing that significant geological formations can indeed form very quickly under catastrophic conditions. The Grand Canyon, they argue, is simply a larger-scale version of this process, sculpted by the floodwaters that reshaped the Earth after the biblical flood.
Psalm 104:6-9 offers further support for the rapid reshaping of the earth’s surface during the flood: “You covered it with the watery depths as with a garment; the waters stood above the mountains. But at your rebuke the waters fled, at the sound of your thunder they took to flight; they flowed over the mountains, they went down into the valleys, to the place You assigned for them.” This passage paints a vivid picture of the waters receding, suggesting that the flood involved powerful forces that carved valleys, canyons, and other landforms we see today.
A Critique of the Mainstream Scientific View
Mainstream science teaches that the Grand Canyon was formed by the slow erosion of the Colorado River over millions of years. This view is based on the principle of uniformitarianism, which asserts that the processes we see today, such as slow erosion, have been occurring at the same rate throughout Earth’s history. This theory, however, directly contradicts the biblical account of the flood and the young age of the earth.
From a New Earth perspective, uniformitarianism overlooks the possibility of catastrophic events like the flood. 2 Peter 3:5-6 warns of those who willfully reject the truth of God’s past judgments: “But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.” This passage suggests that many people intentionally disregard the evidence of the flood, promoting instead the idea that the Earth is billions of years old and that geological formations like the Grand Canyon took eons to form.
The scientific community’s promotion of long ages and gradual processes is pervasive, not just in universities and textbooks, but also in popular tourist destinations like the Grand Canyon itself. Visitors to the Grand Canyon National Park are often presented with only the secular viewpoint, which teaches that the canyon was carved over millions of years. Christians who visit the park may feel conflicted when confronted with these claims, especially when they are promoted as settled science.
Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis, has long argued that the teaching of millions of years and evolutionary geology undermines the authority of Scripture. In his book The Lie, Ham writes: “The idea of millions of years is not just a scientific argument; it’s a direct attack on the Bible. When Christians compromise on this issue, they undermine the authority of God’s Word from the very first verse.” Ham warns that accepting the secular timeline leads to a slippery slope, where other biblical teachings are also questioned or dismissed.
Similarly, John MacArthur, a prominent pastor and theologian, has stated: “The rejection of a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11 is a rejection of the Bible’s authority. To embrace an old-earth viewpoint is to accept a worldview that has no place for God’s direct creation or His judgment of the world through the flood.” MacArthur reminds Christians that the creation account and the flood are foundational to understanding God’s relationship with humanity and His plan of redemption.
How Christians Should Respond
When confronted with secular teachings about the formation of the Grand Canyon, either in schools, at universities, or during a visit to the canyon itself, Christians need to be equipped with both biblical truth and scientific evidence that supports a young earth viewpoint. 1 Peter 3:15 exhorts believers to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” Christians should be prepared to explain why they believe the Grand Canyon is evidence of the global flood and not millions of years of slow erosion.
When visiting the Grand Canyon, it’s beneficial for Christians to bring resources from creationist organizations, such as books, pamphlets, or apps that provide an alternative, Bible-based explanation of the canyon’s formation. These resources can help visitors view the canyon not just as a natural wonder, but as a reminder of God’s power and judgment during the flood.
Parents and church leaders also play a crucial role in equipping young Christians to understand the biblical creation account. In a world where secular teachings dominate, it’s essential for young believers to have a strong foundation in Scripture. Proverbs 22:6 encourages parents to “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” By teaching children the truth of God’s Word from an early age, parents can help them stand firm against the secular narrative.
The Grand Canyon is more than just a geological marvel; from a New Earth Christian perspective, it is a powerful testament to the global flood described in Genesis 6-9. The canyon’s layers of sedimentary rock, its fossils, and its sheer size all point to rapid, catastrophic processes rather than slow erosion over millions of years.
While the secular narrative is taught in schools and promoted at the Grand Canyon National Park, Christians are called to stand firm in their belief in the authority of Scripture. By equipping themselves with both biblical truth and scientific evidence supporting a young earth, believers can confidently share their faith and offer an alternative viewpoint rooted in God’s Word. Ultimately, the Grand Canyon serves as a reminder of God’s power, His judgment on sin, and His ongoing sovereignty over creation.
All Scripture quoted from:
New International Version (NIV)
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.